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Rounded Rectangular Callout: Glaa . . .aaa
Scene 02

                          Zombie Roadblock bites Lifeline in the face . . .

Rounded Rectangular Callout: Aaaaaaa-
Rounded Rectangular Callout: Nnnaaaaaa-


Rounded Rectangular Callout: Mmmmmmm
Rounded Rectangular Callout: Glllllllaaaaa


                                               Firefly sprays the area . . .


                       Zombie Roadblock and Lifeline fall down- dead . . .



Rounded Rectangular Callout:  We’re fucked! What are we going to do without Lifeline? We’re so fucked.


Rounded Rectangular Callout: You’re fucked.


Rounded Rectangular Callout: Firefly.
Rounded Rectangular Callout: I’m outta here.

                  Outback empties his weapon in the direction Firefly ran . . .

Rounded Rectangular Callout: FIREFLY!




Rounded Rectangular Callout: Graaaaa
                                       More Zombies show up . . .

Rounded Rectangular Callout: Raaaaa



Rounded Rectangular Callout: No . . .
Rounded Rectangular Callout: Ggggrrrrr
                             Outback retreats back into room 129 . . .

Rectangular Callout: Naaaaaa


Rounded Rectangular Callout: No. NO!






                        Even a natural born survivalist can only go on for so long.

                                                             The End