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Rectangular Callout: Grrrraaaa-
Chapter 04 Scene 02

   Back inside-

    The undead can he heard down the hall . . .



Rounded Rectangular Callout: Keep it together, people.


Rectangular Callout: Naaaaa

Rounded Rectangular Callout: Molasses.


Rounded Rectangular Callout: Aaaaaa

Rounded Rectangular Callout: Die . . .




Rounded Rectangular Callout: You fucker!


                   Zombie speedies come around the corner . . .



Rounded Rectangular Callout: Ahhhhhh-
                  Backblast is taken down. As he falls he shoots Heavy Duty . .  .

Rounded Rectangular Callout: Uhhhhh!

Rectangular Callout: Look out!



Rounded Rectangular Callout: Mmmmm-


           Roadblock opens fire . . .


               He stops when he runs out of bullets . . .


                              Survivors left- Lifeline, Roadblock, and Outback.
