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The first time a speedy was seen, it was on I-95 South . . .


           Sure-Fire was working undercover as a State Trooper when his radar gun caught a man running down the interstate at 32 miles-an-hour. (Most athletes can manage 23 mph, maybe 24 mph if they’re really good.)



Rounded Rectangular Callout: The Interstate’s no place for a run. Think you might try-
Sure-Fire caught up to the runner, who seemed to be clawing at the air. His skin a sickly green.



Rectangular Callout: Grrawww!

Rectangular Callout: Grrrrrrrr . . .




Rounded Rectangular Callout: Hey!


Rounded Rectangular Callout: What the hell’s wrong with you?
Rectangular Callout: Grrrrrrrr

Rounded Rectangular Callout: Raaarrrrr
              The runner, wearing a bio-hazard suit, lunges toward Sure-Fire -
                                                                       who shoots in self defense.



  The bullet hit the runner in the stomach. He fell to the ground, dead.                                  



Oval Callout: Rrrrrr. Grrrrrr
Rounded Rectangular Callout: This is car 244.
                Moments later-  As Sure-Fire calls for help, the dead man rises . . .


Rounded Rectangular Callout: Rrrrrrrrrr

Rectangular Callout: I need an ambulance or a medivac stat.


Rectangular Callout: Aaaaaaaaaaaa!




Rounded Rectangular Callout: Mmmmmm
Explosion 1: Car 244, we are requesting additional information. Do you copy?

                                                                     Dead End